
What is Paradox?


The sand runs from the bottom to the top –

and the time is yours.

Paradox hourglasses by 4everTREND make your time more colorful. Be it as a Cooking Timer, a Relax Timer or an Office Timer. Time doesn’t run backwards, but paradoxically, it runs upwards. Is there a more perfect gift? One that would stick in your memory longer than this?

Paradox hourglasses are high-class, durable products. Bona fide quality hand-made in Germany. Every single one is filled by hand and sealed.

The liquid and granulate inside are made of natural, nontoxic ingredients.

A specialist supervises the colouring process and the mixture of colours in the granulate. This explains the uniquely brilliant colour effect. The containers are made of a top-quality synthetic which will not change colour.

Run-time details are approximations: the viscosity of the liquid depends on the surrounding temperature.

The pieces of granulate differ in diameter and weight, depending on their colour. This results in small deviations regarding fill-up quantity.